Am about to start a TV series about a DJ that tries to get his career of the ground, inspired on myself and am the actual DJ. Without budget, I just spend my last money buying a camera. It's primary focus is internet, YouTube etc. But also local stations, online stations of regular stations and maybe stations like MTV for late hours etc. Build on from there. There are activities parallel to this. I have an online record shop that will be expanded and have a label to it. Also I want to make short films for online purposes on topics in the series. The series is in English even though it plays in The Netherlands.
The series has a bit of a philosophical character but in a comedy sense. The intent is to let the viewer think more about the world around him to empower him. I want my character to be frequently interviewed in the series about his visions on the lower side of the economy, in particular on the work floor of lower paid jobs. Just like me in reality the character has had many different jobs. In my case over 70 if I don't count my acting and DJ activities.
I believe that we at general are dumbing down and I want to use entertainment as a tool to revert this process. The kind of writer I am looking for has a similar goal. Depth & Comedy. You must have a lot of knowledge of the world we live in without being stuck in propagandised (right or left) thinking patterns. I prefer a writer in my age group (25-35) and a native English, so not a Dutch person. For practical reasons living in The Netherlands and enough available time. I want to write some of your work.
It's the quality of the work that matters to me most, it's ok if you're unpublished. As I said before, I have no budget, not even for your transport. What you will gain is the inspiration to write a very unique book. There is no publisher on board but as the book during it's creation already gets media exposure due to the series and internet activities this will be sellable. The strategy is let everyone know it's coming, build up the tension and as a back-up plan release it ourselves. I already have nearly a thousand people in my mailing lists, I'm pretty sure this will expand quite a lot before the book is finished and selling a few thousand copies self released as a back-up plan is very feasible.
If you fit the description you can mail me at